Scalability Testing of Land Forest Fire Patrol Information Systems


  • Ahmad Khusaeri Department of Computer Science, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang Department of Computer Science, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Hendra Rahmawan Department of Computer Science, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia, Indonesia



Fires, Scalability, Software, Testing


The Patrol Information System for the Prevention of Forest Land Fires (SIPP Karhutla) in Indonesia is a tool for assisting patrol activities for controlling forest and land fires in Indonesia. The addition of Karhutla SIPP users causes the need for system scalability testing. This study aims to perform non-functional testing that focuses on scalability testing. The steps in scalability testing include creating schemas, conducting tests, and analyzing results. There are five schemes with a total sample of 700 samples. Testing was carried out using the JMeter automation testing tool assisted by Blazemeter in creating scripts. The scalability test parameter has three parameters: average CPU usage, memory usage, and network usage. The test results show that the CPU capacity used can handle up to 700 users, while with a memory capacity of 8GB it can handle up to 420 users. All users is the user menu that has the highest value for each test parameter The average value of CPU usage is 44.8%, the average memory usage is 69.48% and the average network usage is 2.8 Mb/s. In minimizing server performance, the tile cache map method can be applied to the system and can increase the memory capacity used.


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