Design of a Web-Based Lecture Scheduling Information System During Pandemic Covid-19 (Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Science, Ibn Khaldun University)


  • Novita BR Ginting Informatic Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering & Science, Ibn Khaldun University,16162 Bogor, Indonesia
  • Yuggo Afrianto Informatic Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering & Science, Ibn Khaldun University,16162 Bogor, Indonesia
  • Suratun suratun Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering & Science, Ibn Khaldun University,16162 Bogor, Indonesia



BlackBox, Greedy Best First Search, Lectures, RAD, Scheduling


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the lecture process was carried out online, so it impacted other academic activities such as the preparation of lecture schedules. The results of observations at the Faculty of Engineering and Science found that the practice of lecture schedules was carried out manually, such as the schedule coordination process was carried out face-to-face between study programs, faculties, and lecturers to overcome conflicts in the use of rooms and teaching time. Changes in the teaching schedule need to be re-checked on the use of the room and the lecturer's teaching time because it has not been documented with the information system. Hence, this study aims to build an information system for preparing lecture schedules using the Greedy Best First Search Method based on the willingness of lecturers to teach. The system was developed using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) and testing using BlackBox testing. The results of this study succeeded in building a lecture scheduling information system that was able to generate lecture schedules automatically and quickly without having to coordinate face-to-face to support online lectures during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Author Biography

Yuggo Afrianto, Informatic Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering & Science, Ibn Khaldun University,16162 Bogor

Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor


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