Classification of the Fluency Multipurpose of Bank Mandiri Credit Payments Based on Debtor Preferences Using Naive Bayes and Neural Network Method
Classification, Credit Debtors, Naive Bayes, Neural NetworkAbstract
One that has an important role in generating bank profits is providing credit to customers, but credit also carries a very high risk. For this reason, in providing credit to debtors, of course the bank will utilize the personal data of prospective debtors in detail to avoid the risk of problems that will arise in the future. One of the appropriate risks for banks in providing credit is the behavior of customers who do not pay installments at the time which causes bad loans. To overcome and overcome the many bad events, there is an algorithmic calculation method with an intelligent computing system that helps banks in selecting prospective debtors who will be given credit. There are many algorithmic methods that can be used in this kind of research. This study analyzes the classification of staffing credit based on the criteria that become the Bank's standard.The data used by the author in this study uses existing debtor credit data from 2017 to 2020, the modeling process is carried out using split validation with the Naive Bayes algorithm and Neural Network, with this algorithm the 1,314 datasets is divided into 2 parts, namely 80% used as training data and 20% used as testing data.
 The results showed that the Neural Network algorithm has better results with a correct value of 84.13%, while the Naive Bayes algorithm only produces a value of 72.62%
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