Computer Networks Optimization using Load Balancing Algorithms on the Citrix ADC Virtual Server


  • Hardiyan Kesuma Ramadhan Informatics Engineering, School of Computer Science, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
  • Sukma Wardhana Informatics Engineering, School of Computer Science, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia



Citrix ADC VPX, Round-robin, Least connection, Least response time, Least packet


In the digital era and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all activities are online. If the number of users accessing the server exceeds IT infrastructure, server down occurs. A load balancer device is required to share the traffic request load. This study compares four algorithms on Citrix ADC VPX load balancer: round-robin, least connection, least response time and least packet using GNS3. The results of testing response time and throughput parameters show that the least connection algorithm is superior. There were a 33% reduction in response time and a 53% increase in throughput. In the service hits parameter, the round-robin algorithm has the evenest traffic distribution. While least packet superior in CPU utilization with 76% reduction. So algorithm with the best response time and throughput is the least connection. The algorithm with the best service hits is round-robin. Large scale implementation is recommended using the least connection algorithm regarding response time and throughput. When emphasizing evenest distribution, use a round-robin algorithm.


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