Digital Image Processing Using YCbCr Colour Space and Neuro Fuzzy to Identify Pornography


  • Beki Subaeki Department of Information System, Faculty of Engineering, Sangga Buana University Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Yana Aditia Gerhana Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Meta Barokatul Karomah Rusyana Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Khaerul Manaf Department of Information System, Faculty of Engineering, Sangga Buana University Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesia



Content, Digital image, Neuro-Fuzzy, Pornographic identification , YCbCr


Pornography is a severe problem in Indonesia, apart from drugs. This can be seen based on data from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in 2021 which found 1.1 million pornographic content online. The increasing number of access to pornographic content sites on the internet can prove this. Several studies have been conducted to produce preventive formulas. However, this research flow has not been effective in solving the problem. This is because the results of the identification value in the output image obtained are not quite right. This study proposes a procedure for identifying pornographic content in digital images as an alternative approach for the early stages of a destructive content access prevention system. The formulation uses the YCbCr color space to analyze human skin on image objects that represent exposed body parts and the classification process with the Neuro Fuzzy approach. The performance of this formula was tested on 100 digital images of random categories of human objects (usually covered, skimpy, and naked) taken from the internet. The test results are at a relatively good level of accuracy, with a weight of 70% for the entire test data.


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