Artificial Neural Network for Classification Task in Tabular Datasets and Image Processing: A Systematic Literature Review
Artificial Neural Network, Tabular Dataset, Image Processing, Classification, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is one of the machine learning algorithms that is widely used for classification cases. Some examples of classification cases that can be handled with ANN include classifications in the health sector, banking, and classification in image processing. This study presents a systematic literature review (SLR) of the ANN algorithm to find a research gap that can be used in future research. There are 3 phases used in preparing the SLR. Those are planning, conducting, and reporting. Formulation of research questions and establishing a review protocol is carried out in the planning phase. The second phase is conducted. In this phase, searching for relevant articles is carried out, determining the quality of the literature found and selecting particles according to what has been formulated in the planning phase. The selected literature is then carried out by the process of extracting data and information and then synthesizing the data. Writing SLR articles based on existing findings is carried out in the last phase, namely reporting. The results of data and information extraction from the 13 reviewed articles show that the ANN algorithm is powerful enough with satisfactory results to handle classification cases that use tabular datasets or image datasets. The challenges faced are the need for extensive training data so that ANN performance can be better, the use of appropriate evaluation measures based on the cases studied does not only rely on accuracy scores, and the determination of the correct hyperparameters to get better performance in the case of image processing.
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