Analysis of Backpropagation Algorithm in Predicting the Most Number of Internet Users in the World




Analysis, Backpropagation, Prediction, Internet, World


The Internet today has become a primary need for its users. According to market research company e-Marketer, there are 25 countries with the largest internet users in the world. Indonesia is in the sixth position with a total of 112.6 million internet users. With the increasing number of internet users are expected to help improve the economy and also education in a country. To be able to increase the number of internet users, especially in Indonesia, it is necessary to predict for the coming years so that the government can provide adequate facilities and pre-facilities in order to balance the growth of internet users and as a precautionary step when there is a decrease in the number of internet users. The data used in this study focus on data on the number of internet users in 25 countries in 2013-2017. The algorithm used is Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation. Data analysis was processed by Artificial Neural Network using Matlab R2011b (7.13). This study uses 5 architectural models. The best network architecture generated is 3-50-1 with an accuracy of 92% and the Mean Squared Error (MSE) is 0.00151674.


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