The Measurement and Evaluation of Information System Success Based on Organizational Hierarchical Culture


  • Reni Haerani Department of Informatics Management, Politeknik PGRI Banten, Indonesia
  • Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman Department of School and Graduates Studies, Asia e University, Malaysia
  • Lia Kamelia Department of Electrical Engineering, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia


DeLone & McLean, Information System Success, Organizational Hierarchical Culture, PLS-SEM


In this study, the adoption of the Delone & McLean information system success model and its adaptation using the organizational hierarchy culture theory is used to explore the state of information system success and examine the factors that suggest success. This research was conducted at universities in Banten Province, which currently rely on information systems in many ways, especially those related to university management. By measuring the evaluation of the success of information systems and the hierarchical culture in organizations using a model that the researcher built according to the integration of 2 models. The results the measurement of the success of information systems were obtained from distributing questionnaires, there were still 85 (63%) respondents, and 84 (61.3%) were satisfied with the performance of the information system success model. The least squares structural equation modeling analysis (PLS-SEM) was then applied due to the sample size. The previous stage consisted of evaluating the reflective measurement model in evaluating the reliability of internal consistency using Composite Reliability, Reliability indicators, Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity, finally it was concluded that the success of information system by hierarchical culture integration model in the organization on could be passed on the more complex research terms, especially using samples, and different questionnaires.


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